IMPORTANT: This app is just a *tool*. If you need help, contact your Coach. Your priority is to simply never give up. Just take a little action each day. Use Maximal Engagement. No training through sharp pain. And sometimes, you’ll need to push through like your LIFE depends on it…because your health & strength really do. If “life” comes up, at least give me 1 round of training (10 minutes). Always move forward and upward. Track your progress when you’re finished and rejoice in the SMALL WINS. And SHARE your Wins & Victories!
Scroll down for Level Options.
A quick 10 seconds or 10 reps of each BEFORE strength training.
And then at END of strength training, 1 minute holds and 20 reps of each for serious Flexibility Development.
Use feet on the ground if you need to at first. Remember, no falls, flops, or faceplants…you’re gonna crush it!
You can go for the L Stand if you want…but make sure to hit your 30 seconds even if you have to place your feet back down. Rock solid core strength. Control the motion and pull up as high as possible. No flops. You got this!
Some basic planche lean work with 1 leg up and foot pointed. Keep those shoulders leaning past your hands. You got this!
Arms straight and locked. All core. You can even lift your body off the ground for Manna Lifts if you’d like. Make sure to hit 30 without rest though. Yeaaaah!
You may have your knees down if you “kneed” too. Work on proper elbow placement. And you’ll be floating sooooon!
As high of a bridge as you can…even if it’s just a shoulder bridge. Of course, no sharp pain, or pain in the lower back. Let’s push with Maximal Engagement!